


This will use moment to do all date formatting. To use this class:

import { CalendarDateFormatter, CalendarMomentDateFormatter, MOMENT } from 'angular-calendar';
import * as moment from 'moment';

// in your component
provide: [{
provide: MOMENT, useValue: moment
}, {
provide: CalendarDateFormatter, useClass: CalendarMomentDateFormatter


Public monthViewColumnHeader
monthViewColumnHeader(undefined: DateFormatterParams)

The month view header week day labels

Returns: string
Public monthViewDayNumber
monthViewDayNumber(undefined: DateFormatterParams)

The month view cell day number

Returns: string
Public monthViewTitle
monthViewTitle(undefined: DateFormatterParams)

The month view title

Returns: string
Public weekViewColumnHeader
weekViewColumnHeader(undefined: DateFormatterParams)

The week view header week day labels

Returns: string
Public weekViewColumnSubHeader
weekViewColumnSubHeader(undefined: DateFormatterParams)

The week view sub header day and month labels

Returns: string
Public weekViewTitle
weekViewTitle(undefined: DateFormatterParams)

The week view title

Returns: string
Public dayViewHour
dayViewHour(undefined: DateFormatterParams)

The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view

Returns: string
Public dayViewTitle
dayViewTitle(undefined: DateFormatterParams)

The day view title

Returns: string
import { OpaqueToken, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { CalendarDateFormatterInterface, DateFormatterParams } from './../interfaces/calendarDateFormatter.interface';

export const MOMENT: OpaqueToken = new OpaqueToken('Moment');

 * This will use <a href="" target="_blank">moment</a> to do all date formatting. To use this class:
 * ```
 * import { CalendarDateFormatter, CalendarMomentDateFormatter, MOMENT } from 'angular-calendar';
 * import * as moment from 'moment';
 * // in your component
 * provide: [{
 *   provide: MOMENT, useValue: moment
 * }, {
 *   provide: CalendarDateFormatter, useClass: CalendarMomentDateFormatter
 * }]
 * ```
export class CalendarMomentDateFormatter implements CalendarDateFormatterInterface {

   * @hidden
  constructor(@Inject(MOMENT) private moment: any) {}

   * The month view header week day labels
  public monthViewColumnHeader({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
    return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('dddd');

   * The month view cell day number
  public monthViewDayNumber({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
    return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('D');

   * The month view title
  public monthViewTitle({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
    return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('MMMM YYYY');

   * The week view header week day labels
  public weekViewColumnHeader({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
    return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('dddd');

   * The week view sub header day and month labels
  public weekViewColumnSubHeader({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
    return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('D MMM');

   * The week view title
  public weekViewTitle({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
    return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('[Week] W [of] YYYY');

   * The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
  public dayViewHour({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
    return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('ha');

   * The day view title
  public dayViewTitle({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
    return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('dddd, D MMMM, YYYY');


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